5 Pin Multiplug 6 Amp. 240 volts. Used to insert many top (plug) at a time in one socket.
5 Pin Conversion
[amz_corss_sell asin=”B09B41THV1″]
5 Pin Multiplug 6 Amp. 240 volts. Used to insert many top (plug) at a time in one socket.
5 Pin Conversion
[amz_corss_sell asin=”B09B41THV1″]
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For domestic used :- led t.v , fan , hi-fi , mixer, lamp etc
for office use :- Electronic typewriter, telex , fax , telephone, table lamp. Computer, printer, etc
Three Plus one Wave Series
Incredibly powerful sound: despite its compact size, the Portable speaker brings soaring and deep, booming bass to every room in the house This would be a must have gadget for the gymers or outdoor activity lovers as by itspowerful music it can enhance your workout and makes you more motivated This Bluetooth Speaker Supports answering phone calls very easily while playing music with just one click when connected to your cell phone Built-in FM radio, Plug-in style mini speaker supports TF/SD card
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